UTM Pistol: Couples Development ( 2 Day )

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sold out

UTM Pistol: Couples Development ( 2 Day )


This 2 day course allows couples to get a better understanding of working around each other. Whether one of you carries or both, each couple will get a fine tuned approach to effectively using their firearm in various manipulation and Force on Force exercises. Part of the discovery learning process is formulating a better mindset to increasing your protective posture.

Couples will be running from a concealed carry posture throughout the 2 days and conducting a variety of exercises that mimic our everyday lifestyles. We then take you inside the shoothouse for some team based principles to successfully problem solve, whether that be in your own home or a commercial venue. Our final exercises have you up against live opposition for validation of skills taught.

Some of the exercises conducted are recorded and played back for real time analysis.

Hours: Both training days are 0830am - 530pm

Cost: $500 ( Per Couple ). Only one person needs to initially sign up and pay. Be sure to download 2 copies of the registration form ( 1 for each ) and turn that in with any supporting documentation.

Sign Up !

Be sure to download the Registration Form & submit it along with any supporting documentation to ensure no delays in the enrollment process.