Firearm Tradecraft is simply translating fundamentals into performance related skills for success in conflict. These multi-disciplined courses are built around a proven methodology of Mindset - Manipulation - Marksmanship being the core traits of any shooter. While the courses have their own handout, the goal is to connect the shooter student with their platform in relation to the threat environment. Your skill is continuously validated throughout the programs of instruction by means of professional weapons handling, accuracy standards, sound fighting applications, critical decision making, and stepping outside the boundaries of comfort zones ( duress ).
Tradecraft Development
Critical Skills Development
Pistol Tradecraft: critical skills development
Carrying one & knowing how to fight with it are two different things ! …. Shooter students are given a no nonsense exposure to the realities and capabilities of the pistol platform. This course allows for the self discovery of diagnosing your own shooting. Key topics include, refining efficiency, one handed manipulation, visualizing your sight package, employment at distance, proper retention & the Human Operating System. This is a learning intensive course built around conceal carry principles with emphasis on technical proficiency.
Length: 2 Days Cost: $400 Class Size: 6 Students
Wheel Gun … Real Gun
Revolver Tradecraft: Wheel gun … real gun
Although not considered “Cool” among current society standards, the revolver is still an effective tool. This course revolves ( pun intended ) on the idea that everyone should have solid baseline skill sets regardless of their chosen platform. Shooter students are refreshed on historic training standards from the FBI in the 30’s to overall Law Enforcement from the 50’s - 70’s. There is a mix of both old and modern fundamental techniques blended in the curriculum. All the techniques, drills, and topics discussed will greatly enhance the Shooter Student ability with reinforced accuracy standards.
Length: 1 Day Cost: $200 Class Size: 6 Students
Urban Threat Response
Carbine Tradecraft: urban threat response
Being a force multiplier in the combat urban environment, the carbine essentials course gives shooter students the competence in the use of their chosen platform. Once a proper zero is confirmed, the shooter student is then given a full immersion to proper fundamentals. Some of the methodology in this course is based on High-Threat Protection standards. The use of iron sights, for close to mid-range engagements, is focused on. Shooter Students will see a rapid progression of their skill set based on the simple & effective techniques shown. Each student will be provided with a performance evaluation at the end of the course.
Length: 2 Days Cost: $400 Class Size: 6 Students
Practical Application
Shotgun Tradecraft: practical application
For students who are interested in the full capabilities of the shotgun. There are more than a few opinions on how, when, or IF the shotgun is even a viable option for the current urban threat environment. This course gives a no non-sense & objective view on how effective the shotgun can be, even when applied in a mid range engagement. This is not a point and shoot course. Students are still held to a accuracy standard which is reinforced by the drills incorporated. The core of this course is the proper mechanics, handling, and manipulation of this versatile platform.
Length: 1 Day Cost: $250 Class Size: 6 Students
Our performance classes bring you to a more intense, yet refined version of firearm employment. Often confused & incorrectly labeled as “Advanced Training”, shooter students are given more exposure to proper fundamentals in different environments where performance on demand is absolute for success in conflict.
*Specific classes will be listed on the training schedule depending on range availability.
Shooter Students will have the option of either expanding on the live fire programs or choosing Ultimate Training Munitions classes inside our Training Lab, a 5,000 sq. ft. warehouse facility providing Opposition Based instruction.
At this time, all live fire classes are conducted at the following locations.
DWS can host any of its live fire courses at an approved range. If you wish for us to come to a location closer to you, let us know which range it is and we will get in contact about their SOP for use.
At this time, the following personnel will receive a discount on any course offered by DWS, which is available via the discount code during checkout.
Active Duty Military: 20% Code: THISIDEFEND ( Copy of CAC is required )
Active Law Enforcement | Firefighter | EMT: 20% Code: FIRSTRESPONDERS ( Copy of valid Credentials are required )
Members of The Well Armed Woman ( TWAW ): 10% Code: IAMTWAW ( During checkout, refer to which Chapter you are an active participant. )
Members of ZERT Nation: 10% Code: GETSOME ( Be sure to have a copy of your latest year renewal & member card ready for verification ) - Z20668